Saturday, September 21, 2013


Naughty or Nice Holiday Boudoir Sessions

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It is that time of year again, and I am offering boudoir sessions. Give your significant other what they truly want this Christmas, and have a great time yourself in the process. What woman doesn't want to feel like a goddess?

I understand that boudoir sessions can be a little intimidating, I have been there, but I want to reassure you that your session will be customized to what you feel comfortable with. I absolutely loved having my boudoir session, and seeing my husbands face when he saw them was priceless.

If making your husband speechless isn't enough, here is a great post that explains 10 reasons every women should have boudoir photos taken: 10 Reasons Why You Need To Do a Boudoir Photo Shoot

I can't wait to help you knock his socks off!

All the information is above on the flyer, and if you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.

Phone: 321-246-0844