Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Photo A Day: October

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October is when I really start to feel like it is fall. It holds our first fall holiday, Halloween, and the weather is cooling off. So in honor of the start of my three favorite months I came up with a photo a day challenge for October. 

I have taken many photography classes and have found that those that gave you a list, such as the one above, helped my photography skills grow more than some of the others. The idea is to try and think outside the box, what do the words mean to you?

I know that there have been a ton of these out there, but hopefully this will still be a little challenging to help develop your photography skills. The best way is practice!

It doesn't matter what you use, your phone, a point and shoot digital camera, or the top of the line DSLR. The goal is to push your boundaries and find different ways to depict these words.

If you are using instagram or twitter please use #PHOTOADAYAPP so that we can see each others images!

Remember to have fun!